Estudios Ingleses. (Plan a extinguir)
Grado y Doble Grado. Curso 2023/2024.
Curso Académico 2023-24
Datos Generales
- Plan de estudios: 0835 - GRADO EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES (2009-10)
- Carácter: Optativa
- ECTS: 6.0
(a) Conceptual (knowledge)
1- Conocimiento instrumental de la lengua inglesa a un nivel elevado.
Instrumental knowledge of the English language at an advanced level
2 - Conocimiento de las literaturas en lengua inglesa.
Knowledge of the literatures in English.
4 - Conocimiento de la historia y cultura de los países de lengua inglesa.
Knowledge of the history and culture of English-speaking countries.
(b) Procedimentales:
(b) Procedural (skills & abilities)
5 - Capacidad para negociar, hacerse entender, redactar informes y documentos, manejar información masiva y compleja y utilizar
herramientas informáticas y presentar en público productos, ideas e informes, todo ello en lengua inglesa.
Ability to negotiate, make oneself understood, write reports and documents, handle massive and complex information, use
computer tools and present publicly products, ideas and reports in English.
7 - Capacidad para comprender e integrar información procedente de diversas fuentes, y encuadrarla en distintas perspectivas
Ability to process and integrate information from a variety of sources, framing it in different theoretical perspectives.
(c) Actitudinales:
(c) Attitudinal :
8- Desarrollo de una actitud reflexiva y crítica sobre la lengua inglesa, su cultura y sus literaturas.
Development of a reflexive and critical attitude towards the English language, its cultures, and its literatures.
9- Desarrollo, tanto personal como intelectual, de actitudes de convivencia y diálogo entre ideologías, géneros y etnias, así
como a la profundización en culturas ajenas que impone el estudio de las literaturas en lengua inglesa.
Personal and intellectual development of attitudes of coexistence and dialogue between diverse ideologies, genders and ethnic
groups, as well as insights into the cultures reflected in the study of literatures in the English language.
Module of In-depth study of Literature in English, Core Subject 17. [The Enlightenment in English and American Cultural History; Poetry and Poetics of Romanticism; Shakespeare: Critical Reading].
The student will be able to identify and analyze the aesthetic elements shaping the canons of Shakespeare through the Enlightenment, Romanticism, and the Victorian era in English literature. Students will also express critical judgments on those canons in relation to their historical context, and to evaluate their influence on the literature of later periods.
Clases teóricas
2. Lectura individual guiada de textos representativos.
1. Lectures on the general contents and specific plays included in the syllabus.
2. Guided reading of paradigmatic texts.
3. If the instructor considers them necessary, debates and group work will be organized in the classroom. These groups and debate sessions will be supervised by the course's instructor. Students' work and participation will be counted toward the evaluation of the students' performance.
Clases prácticas
4. At the instructor's discretion, the course may include film and documentary screenings to consolidate the aims of the course. Such screenings might be exam material. Debate and discussion groups might be organized after the screenings.
Otras actividades
Actividades presenciales: aprox. 60%
Actividades no presenciales: aprox. 40%
At the instructor's discretion:
Classroom work: approx. 40%
Personal work: approx. 60%
No presenciales
Breve descriptor:
Esta asignatura ofrece la oportunidad de profundizar en el canon shakespeareano a través del estudio pormenorizado de algunas de sus obras más influyentes.
This course offers the students an in-depth exploration of Shakespeare and his works. Special emphasis will be placed on Shakespeare's use of language, style and evolution.
The course will trace the cultural conditions and social energies that structured the rise of Shakespeare’s plays in the 16th century. We will begin by considering the emergence of the public playhouses in Elizabethan England, studying the historical and material conditions in which Shakespeare’s plays were created. We will read SIX plays by Shakespeare, representing the major genres attributed to him: histories, comedies, and tragedies. We will focus our analyses on ideology, as this was commonly enacted on the Renaissance stage. From a New Historical perspective, this course lays particular emphasis on the language and verbal play of the texts. Taking Shakespeare’s language and verbal play as points of departure, we will in turn analyze: ideologies of power; concepts of legitimacy, monarchy, or adultery; configurations of gender, and social power struggles.
- Analyze the relationship between history, aesthetics and language in the Age of Shakespeare.
- Practice identifying and articulating complex arguments about Shakespearean texts.
- Take an active role in commentary by participating in ongoing theoretical discussions.
- Practice intellectual communication in class and in an online setting.
- Understand clearly the process by which Shakespearean Drama was created.
- Understand the concepts of “author” and “text” as applied to the Shakespeare canon.
- Analyze the staging of English History in Shakespeare’s plays.
- Analyze the relationship between society, sex, politics and texts in the English Renaissance.
- Analyze (and enjoy!) Shakespearean texts: verbal play, double meanings, etc.
- Understand and value the significance of words/discourse in the context of Modern History.
- Appreciate how the understanding of Shakespeare has been shaped by historical change, social conditions, and theoretical debates over time.
1. Theaters, actors and audiences in Shakespeare’s age. The playing companies.
2. Who was Shakespeare? Analysis of the public figure: author, reader, actor, businessman. Reconsidering the notion of "author" and “authorship”.
3. Shakespearean Texts. The reproduction of the plays. Reconsidering the notion of "text".
4. Shakespeare and political legitimacy. Monarchy, inheritance, usurpation: the verbal play of power in Richard II and Henry IV, part 1.
5. Social struggles: Translation, adultery, and deceit amidst the urban middle class: The Merry Wives of Windsor.
6. A Midsummer Night’s Dream and the male fantasies in Elizabethan culture: sex, power and representation. The language of social contrasts: the working classes and the world upside down.
7. Othello: spies, revelations, rumors, secrets. The monstrous language of seduction. The male gaze over the female body.
8. The Winter’s Tale. “Your actions are my dreams”: Obsessiveness, irrationality and the power of male discourse over female will. The “preposterous” as transgression.
Descripción: el estudiante deberá demostrar haber adquirido las competencias exigidas, así como el conocimiento de los rasgos fundamentales del autor y la época correspondientes. Las especificaciones sobre este particular se harán en el aula, por parte del profesor concreto del grupo.
Porcentaje: hasta un 60 %.
El resto de las actividades dependerá del número de estudiantes por clase. Pueden ser trabajos, ejercicios, tareas, tests, o presentaciones bajo la supervisión del profesor.
Porcentaje de esta parte en la calificación final: hasta un 40%. Según el criterio del profesor de cada grupo de esta asignatura
Final exam: the final exam aims to evaluate the students' understanding of the author, his period, style, themes, etc. Further specifications about this will be made in the classroom.
Percentage: up to 60%
Evaluation will include other activities. These will depend on the number of students enrolled in the course. Activities might include: debates, short papers, questionnaires, quizzes, reading tests, etc. Percentage: up to 40%
IMPORTANT: REQUIRED READING FOR THE COURSE: Greenblatt, Stephen (General editor), Walter Cohen, Jean E. Howard, Katherine Eisaman Maus, Gordon McMullan, Suzanne Gossett, eds. The Norton Shakespeare. Third International Student Edition. New York: W. W. Norton, 2015. ISBN: 9780393263121
Ackroyd, Peter (2006). Shakespeare: The Biography, London: Vintage.
Bevington, David (2002). Shakespeare, Oxford: Blackwell.
Bloom, Harold (1999). Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human, New York: Riverhead Books.
Kermode, Frank (2004). The Age of Shakespeare, London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson.
McDonald, Russ (2007). Shakespeare and the arts of language, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Murphy, Andrew (ed.) (2010). A concise companion to Shakespeare and the text, Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub.
Rackin, Phyllis (2009). Shakespeare and women, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Weiman, Robert (2008). Shakespeare and the power of performance: stage and page in the Elizabethan theatre, Cambridge; Madrid: Cambridge University Press.
Wells, Stanley (2008). Shakespeare and co.: Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Dekker, Ben Jonson, Thomas Middleton, John Fletcher and The Other Players in His Story, New York: Vintage Books.
A longer, thorough bibliography will be made available to the students in the classroom or on the course web
Otra información relevante
Se recomienda cursar esta asignatura en los semestres 5-6-7-8 (3º y 4º cursos) una vez el alumno se haya familiarizado con los contenidos de las asignaturas obligatorias de literatura propuestas para los semestres 3 y 4 (2º curso).
La bibliografía de esta ficha es meramente básica y orientativa. En el aula se proporcionará al alumno una bibliografía extensa y pormenorizada sobre Shakespeare
The information of the present document in no way replaces the actual program of the course, which is the written file where activities, materials, required readings, contents and evaluation will be explained in detail. On the first day of the course such a program will be distributed in the classroom, and will also be uploaded to the virtual campus of the course and/or left at the copy service of the school if the teacher so deems it necessary.
It is highly recommended that students take this elective course in their 5th-6th-7th-8th semesters (3th-4th years), once the student is familiar with literature surveys required for the 3rd and 4th semesters (2nd year).
A longer, thorough bibliography will be made available to the students in the classroom or on the course web
Módulos | Materias |
Clases teóricas y/o prácticas | ||||
Grupo | Periodos | Horarios | Aula | Profesor |
Grupo A | 13/09/2023 - 21/12/2023 | MARTES 12:30 - 14:30 | A-48 | EUSEBIO DE LORENZO GOMEZ |